The Inverter Efficiency page shows information about the aggregate and individual inverter losses when converting DC power from the module array to AC power for the grid.
Inverter Efficiency Summary
In general, there may not be much corrective action available to operations and maintenance teams to improve inverter efficiency. If some inverters operate slightly below the nominal conversion efficiency, this may be simply the result of initial plant design or seasonal operating conditions. However, if the observed inverter conversion efficiency is significantly lower than the manufacturer’s specification, it may indicate a need for warranty servicing by the manufacturer, if applicable.
All Inverter Efficiencies and Efficiency Curve
The efficiency of each inverter is shown in a sorted bar chart to enable users to spot low-performing inverters quickly. A specific inverter can be selected for further assessment in the part load efficiency curve scatter plot detail chart to the right.
All Inverter Efficiencies over time
The actual Inverter Efficiencies can be seen for all inverters over time in the timeseries plot as shown above. Use the slicer bar at the bottom to zoom-in in specific time range.
Daily Inverter Efficiency Losses
The Daily Inverter Efficiency Losses per inverter graph shows the conversion loss of each inverter over the selected time range, sorted by loss. The inverter with the most significant conversion loss typically corresponds to the lowest efficiency inverter.