NERC requires performance reporting monthly at the subgroup level to assess performance, reliability, and availability. Bazefield has always assisted with GADS reporting through allocations, which use rulesets to categorize time into buckets based on GADS specifications. Bazefield now takes this one step further by offering click-button GADS Subgroup Performance Reporting. In Object Manager, objects of type 'GADS Wind Subgroup' and 'GADS Inverter Subgroup' are used to store group metadata, and link the associated turbines/inverters to each group so the hours can be aggregated. The report fields are sourced from a combination of inputs, object attribute data, allocation statistics, and calculations on the GADS subgroup level, which aggregate generation asset data.
While users do not need to configure performance reporting, it is still important to know where exactly in the portal the data is sourced from. This article tabulates each of the fields contained in a GADS Subgroup Performance Report in the context of the Bazefield Portal, for both Wind sites (Table 1) and Solar sites (Table 2).
GADS Performance Report
Table 1: Mapping Wind GADS DRI Subgroup Performance Record fields to the Bazefield Portal
Field Name | GADS DRI Description | Bazefield Portal Location | |
1 | Entity ID | Enter the NERC Compliance Registry ID number (NCR ID) or voluntary reporting ID assigned by NERC of the organization that operates the Wind plant. | Object Attribute on GADS Wind Subgroup object, key entityID |
2 | Plant ID | Enter the Plant ID assigned by the GADS Wind reporting application. | Object Attribute on GADS Wind Subgroup object, key plantID |
3 | Subgroup ID | Enter the unique Subgroup ID as assigned by NERC. This ID will be used in all data reported for the subgroup. | Object Attribute on GADS Wind Subgroup object, key subgroupID |
4 | Report Period (Month) | Enter the two-digit month (MM) for which the performance data is being reported. | Input in GADS Export application during report generation |
5 | Report Year | Enter the four-digit year (YYYY) for which the performance data is being reported. | Input in GADS Export application during report generation |
6 | Subgroup Status | Select the status of the entire subgroup during the period for which the data is being reported. | Object Attribute on GADS Wind Subgroup object, key subGrpAvailStatus. Will default to "AC" if this field is not available. |
7 | Gross Actual Generation (GAG) | Enter the total wind turbine energy generated at the wind turbine (WTG) for the subgroup (MWh). The Gross Actual Generation is the sum of the individual turbine meters before subtracting station service or auxiliary loads. | Calculation on GADS Wind SG Asset Model. Sum of 5m Energy Produced based on time average Active Power of each Turbine in the group. |
8 | Expected Generation | Enter the expected output based on the site-specific wind turbine power curve, wind speed and corrected for air density (temperature, barometric pressure, and humidity). It is the effective maximum generation based on the resources available with no adjustments for outages or deratings. Calculations are usually done at the individual wind turbine data point level and rolled up for the subgroup for the reporting period. This metric will be used for weighting and generation equations. The calculation is based on historical data and is not a forecasted estimate. | Calculation on GADS Wind SG Asset Model. Sum of 5m Energy Expected based on time average Theoretical Power of each Turbine in the group. |
9 | Net Actual Generation (NAG) | Enter the net generation (MWh) recorded at the subgroup boundary (usually the revenue meter). It is possible to have a negative net actual generation value if the group’s station service or auxiliary loads are greater than total generation. At times corrections to this value will take place as meter calibration drifts and reporting differences occur. | Calculation on GADS Wind SG Asset Model. The expression is configured on a per-customer basis. This is usually measured at the revenue meter at the turbine boundary. |
10 | Net Maximum Capacity (NMC) | Enter the actual generating capability (MW) at the subgroup boundary. This is equal to the installed capacity less any electrical losses such as transformation losses, line losses, and other losses due to transmission between the turbine and the revenue meter | Calculation based on the maximum group capacity from Object Attribute on GADS Wind Subgroup object, key subgrpTotInstCapacity, assuming 2% electrical losses |
11 | Active Turbine-Hours (ACTH) | Enter the number of turbine‐hours that the subgroup is in the active state. ACTH can vary in output reports (month, year, etc.) but for GADS Wind reporting purposes, data is collected on the number of turbine‐hours in a month. | Allocation Statistic, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
12 | Contact Turbine-Hours (CTH) | Enter the number of turbine‐hours the subgroup is synchronized to the system. It is the turbine‐hours that the main contactor is closed, and generation is provided to the grid. | Allocation Statistic, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
13 | Reserve Shutdown Turbine-Hours (RSTH) | Enter the sum of all turbine‐hours for turbines that are off‐line for economic reasons but available for service. If the subgroup is not available due to an outage condition, it is not a reserve shutdown. Do not include RSTH in the same equations with CTH because this would double count turbine‐hours. | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
14 | Forced Turbine-Hours (FTH) | Forced Turbine‐Hours is the sum of all turbine‐hours, in the subgroup, that are off‐line due to forced events. FTH are all forced events where the Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) must be removed from service for repairs before the next Sunday at 23:59 (just before Sunday becomes Monday) | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
15 | Maintenance Turbine-Hours (MTH) | Maintenance Turbine‐Hours is the sum of all turbine‐hours, in the subgroup, that are off‐line due to a maintenance event. The turbine must be capable of running until the following week. If the outage occurs on the weekend, the turbine must be capable of running through the following week. | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
16 | Planned Turbine Hours (PTH) | Planned Turbine‐Hours is the sum of all turbine‐hours, in the subgroup, that are off‐line due to a planned event. A PTH event is scheduled well in advance and is of a predetermined duration and can occur several times a year. | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
17 | Resource Unavailable Turbine-Hours (RUTH) | The number of turbine hours that the turbines are available but not producing electricity for environmental conditions that are outside the operating specifications of the wind turbine (i.e., low / high wind) and includes normal systems checks and calibrations (i.e., cable untwisting). | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
18 | Inactive Reserve Turbine-Hours (IRTH) | Total number of turbine‐hours in a period being reported that the subgroup is in the inactive reserve state. | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
19 | Mothballed Turbine-Hours (MBTH) | Total number of turbine‐hours in a period being reported that the subgroup is in the mothballed state. | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
20 | Retired Turbine-Hours (RTH) | Total number of turbine‐hours in a period being reported that the subgroup is in the retired state. | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
Table 2: Mapping Solar GADS DRI Subgroup Performance Record fields to the Bazefield Portal
Field Name | GADS DRI Description | Bazefield Portal Location | |
1 | Entity ID | Enter the NERC Compliance Registry ID number (NCR ID) or voluntary reporting ID assigned by NERC of the organization that operates the Solar plant. | Object Attribute on Solar Farm, key entityID |
2 | Plant ID | Enter the PlantID assigned by the GADS Solar application. This is assigned in the Plant Configuration. | Object Attribute on Solar Farm, key plantID |
3 | Subgroup ID | Enter the Inverter Group ID assigned by the GADS Solar application. | Object Attribute on GADS Inverter Subgroup object, key subgroupID |
4 | Report Period (Month) | Enterthe two‐digit month (MM) for which the performance data is being reported. | Input in GADS Export application during report generation |
5 | Report Year | Enterthe four‐digit year(YYYY) for which the performance data is being reported | Input in GADS Export application during report generation |
6 | Inverter Group Availability Status | Select the status of the entire group during the period for which the data is being reported. | Object Attribute on GADS Inverter Subgroup object, key invGrpAvailStatus. Will default to "AC" if this field is not available. |
7 | Gross Actual Generation (GAG) | Enter the total energy generated at the Inverter Group level (MWh). This isthe sum of the AC inverter outputs for the group. | Calculation on GADS Inverter SG Asset Model. Sum of 5m Energy Produced based on time average Active Power of each Inverter in the group. |
8 | Net Actual Generation (NAG) | Enter the net generation (MWh) recorded atthe inverter boundary (usually the revenue meter). It is possible to have a negative net actual generation value if the group’sstation service or auxiliary loads are greater than total generation. | Calculation on GADS Inverter SG Asset Model. The expression is configured on a per-customer basis. This is usually measured at the revenue meter at the inverter boundary. |
9 | Net Maximum Capacity (NMC) | Enterthe Maximum AC generating capability at the inverter boundary. This is equal to the installed capacity less any electrical losses such as transformation losses, line losses, and other losses due to transmission between the inverter and the revenue meter | Calculation based on maximum group capacity from Object Attribute on GADS Inverter Subgroup object, key invGrpInstCapacity, assuming 2% electrical losses |
10 | Monthly Plane of Array (MPOA) | Enter the Monthly Plane of Array (MWh/m^2) value of solar radiation | Calculation on GADS Inverter SG Asset Model. Average of 5m Insolation based on time average Irradiance of each Inverter in the group. |
11 | Performance Ratio | Enter the Performance Ratio for the month. Thisis calculated using DC Capacity (DC Nameplate rating) power capability and actual AC power delivered from the inverter, along with adjustments for measured Plane of Array Irradiance power degradation, Inverter efficiency, and module temperature corrections. | Calculation on GADS Inverter SG Asset Model. Ratio of GAG to sum of 5m Energy Expected DC based on Theoretical Power ignoring losses for each Inverter in the group. |
12 | Expected Generation | Enter the expected generation (MWh) expected at the data point level and rolled up to the inverter group for the reporting period. Thisis based on solar-day hours and daily energy produced per hour,summed up for the month. | Calculation on GADS Inverter SG Asset Model. Sum of 5m Energy Expected based on time average Theoretical Power of each Inverter in the group. |
13 | Active Solar Inverter Hours (Day) (ASIH) | Enter the number of inverter hours (number of inverters times number of hours) from Sunrise to Sunset during the month being reported.9 This sum is across all inverters in the Inverter Group. | Allocation Statistic, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
14 | Active Inverter Hours (AIH) | Enter the number of inverter hours(number of inverterstimes number of hours) that the inverter group is in the active state. AIH for GADS Solar reporting purposes refers to the number of inverter hours during the month being reported. | Allocation Statistic, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
15 | Inactive Reserve Inverter Hours (IRIH) | Total number of inverter hours (number of inverters times number of hours) that the inverter group is in the inactive reserve state during the month being reported. (Inactive) | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
16 | Mothballed Inverter Hours (MBIH) | Total number of inverter hours (number of inverters times number of hours) that the inverter group is in the mothballed state during the month being reported. (Inactive) | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
17 | Retired Unit Inverter Hours (RIH) | Total number of inverter hours (number of inverters times number of hours) that the inverter group is in a permanently retired state during the month being reported. (Inactive) | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
18 | Service Inverter Hours Day (SIHD) | Enter the number of inverter hours (number of inverters times number of hours) the inverter group issynchronized to the grid (in service) during daytime hoursfor the month being reported. | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
19 | Reserve Shutdown Inverter Hours (RSIH) | Enter the number of inverter hours (number of inverters times number of hours) that the inverter group is off‐line for economic reasons but available for service during daytime hours for the month being reported. If the inverter group is not available due to an outage condition, it is not a reserve shutdown. | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
20 | Forced Outage Inverter Hours Day (FOIHD) | Enter the number of inverter hours (number of inverters times number of hours) that the inverter group is off‐line due to forced events during daytime hours for the month being reported. FIH are all forced events where the Inverter group must be removed from service for repairs before the next Sunday at 23:59 (just before Sunday becomes Monday). | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
21 | Maintenance Inverter Hours Day (MIHD) | Enter the number of inverter hours (number of inverters times number of hours) that the inverter group is off‐line due to a maintenance event during daytime hours for the month being reported. The inverter group must be capable of running until the following week. If the outage occurs on the weekend, the inverter must be capable of running through the following week. | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
22 | Planned Inverter Hours Day (PIHD) | Enter the number of inverter hours (number of inverters times number of hours) that the inverter group is off‐line due to a planned event during daytime hoursfor the month being reported. A PIHD event is scheduled well in advance and is of a predetermined duration and can occur several times a year | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
23 | Resource Unavailable Inverter Hours - Day (RUIHD) | The number of inverter hours(number of inverters times number of hours) that the inverters are available but not producing electricity for environmental conditions that are outside the operating specifications of the Solar inverter, during daytime hours for the month being reported (i.e., low / high Solar and includes normal systems checks and calibrations). The system is delivering no electricity. | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
24 | Service Inverter Hours Night (SIHN) | Enter the total number of inverter hours (number of inverters times number of hours) the inverter group issynchronized to the system (in service) between sunset of the current day and sunrise of the next day for the month being reported. It is the inverter hoursthatthe main breaker is closed, and generation is provided to the grid. | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
25 | Forced Outage Inverter Hours Night (FOIHN) | Enter the total number of inverter hours (number of inverters times number of hours) that the inverter group is off‐line due to forced events between sunset of the current day and sunrise of the next day for the month being reported. FOIHN are all forced events where the Inverters must be removed from service for repairs before the next Sunday at 23:59 (just before Sunday becomes Monday). | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
26 | Maintenance Inverter Hours Night (MIHN) | Enter the total number of inverter hours(number of inverterstimes number of hours) that the inverter group is off‐line due to a maintenance event between sunset of the current day and sunrise of the next day for the month being reported. The inverters must be capable of running until the following week. If the outage occurs on the weekend, the inverter must be capable of running through the following week. | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
27 | Planned Inverter Hours Night (PIHN) | Enter the number of inverter hours (number of inverters times number of hours) that the inverter group is off‐line due to a planned event between sunset of the current day and sunrise of the next day for the month being reported. A PIHN event is scheduled well in advance and is of a predetermined duration and can occur several times a year. | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |
28 | Resource Unavailable Inverter Hours - Night (RUIHN) | The total number of Inverter hours(number of inverters times number of hours) between sunset of the current day and sunrise of the next day for the month being reported, that the inverters are available, but not producing electricity for environmental conditions that are outside the operating specifications of the Solar inverter. | Allocation Category, should match any GADS Report from a 10.0+ Bazefield Portal |