The Soiling Loss page provides detailed information about the soiling of modules in the array, rain events, and energy losses due to soiling.

Depending on available data, Solar AI can estimate a daily soiling loss and project energy loss due to soiling in the past and future using a value for the soiling rate. The soiling rate is defined as the rate of additional soiling deposition per day (%/day) and is representative of the soiling conditions of a region or local factors such as pollen, dust from a road, or sources of pollution. The soiling rate can be either prescribed in the plant configuration parameters with a default value for the site or can be automatically extracted from inverter performance data by analysing trends in daily production values over time.

Soiling Summary

At the top of the page, the soiling loss over the selected time period is shown in either percentage (default), energy (kWh), or monetary equivalent value in the local currency. 

Soiling Losses and monthly soiling rates per inverter  

The Soiling Losses per Inverter graph, located on the left, illustrates the soiling losses for each inverter during the selected time period. It includes a reference line for the Soiling Energy Loss Average. This graph can sometimes help highlight groups of inverters that experience different soiling losses. On the right, the Monthly Soiling Rates per Inverter chart displays the monthly changes in soiling rates for each inverter throughout the selected period. If a soiling rate is detected in any month, it is projected forward in time, maintaining its presence in the chart even if no new rate is detected in subsequent months.

Plant-level Daily Soiling losses

The Plant-level Daily Soiling Losses graph displays the actual daily soiling losses for each zone with recorded rainfall events. This visualization offers a clear depiction of how soiling fluctuates with rainfall and over time, providing valuable insights into environmental impact on soiling dynamics.

Heatmap with soiling losses per inverter over time

A heatmap of daily Soiling Losses of each inverter is presented, enabling users to compare these losses across various time frames and devices. This visual tool aids in identifying patterns and discrepancies in soiling losses, enhancing the understanding of device performance under different conditions.