The Shading loss page provides detailed information about energy losses due to intra-array or obstruction shading. The shading data presented here includes actual losses based on measured operational data and expected loss based on an energy model’s shading loss predictions.
The shading algorithm estimates plant power based on same-day operational conditions and determines short-term deviations from the estimate to calculate energy lost to shading.
Shading Summary
The Shading Summary provides a summary dashboard, including the shading percentage, energy losses, and associated revenue loss. This summary helps users assess the material and financial impact of inverter shading on their sites.
Shading Energy Losses per inverter and power curve
The Shade Losses by Inverter graph shows energy lost to shade for each inverter over the selected time range. This can be useful in identifying inverters most affected by shading and determining where to focus shading mitigation efforts. Significant variations in shade loss between inverters may indicate obstruction shading.
Daily Shading Energy Losses per inverter over time
Shading losses distributed evenly across all inverters may indicate self-shading in the photovoltaic array or vegetation growth that may possibly be mitigated. The daily average shading profile indicates the times of day when shading losses are most significant.