This page provides an overview of site-level and inverter-level KPIs.

Revelant Metrics over time (PRwc, TBAop, TBAtech)

Relevant Metrics over time at the Solar Farm Level chart provides visulization of weather corrected Performance Ratio (PRwc), Operational time-based availability (TBAop), and Technical time-based availability (TBAtech) over the selected time period.

Detailed Visualization per Inverter (PRwc, TBAop, TBAtech)

Detailed Visualization of the KPI chart enables comparison of key performance indicators (KPIs) across various inverters. Dedicated charts for PRwc, TBAop, and TBAtech allow users to view specific metrics. To customize the display, users can toggle specific inverters on or off by clicking on the corresponding inverter name located under the chart. 

Heatmap with the KPIs per Inverter over time

A heatmap of daily PRwc for each inverter is provded, allowing users to effectively compare PRwc across various time frames and devices. This visual tool highlights performance trends and variations, facilitating detailed analysis.