The Wash Optimization page helps to determine the most cost-effective dates to schedule module washing. Use the Wash Dates Calculator to determine the number of washes per year.
Wash Dates Calculator
The Wash Optimization page displays module wash costs and schedule information. The Wash Dates Calculator determines the wash schedule for each zone of the array. Calculating a separate wash schedule for each zone or using the same wash schedule for all zones is possible.
Hide the Wash Dates Calculator or scroll down to see the wash plan.
Wash Optimizer Savings and Dates
The total savings per plant are displayed after calculating the differences between the total wash costs and the soiling losses avoided by cleaning. Also, the recommended wash dates are given per soiling group.
Plant-Level Daily Soiling Losses per Soiling Group
A detailed view of a typical year for the site location displays the rain profile, soiling level and recommended washes per soiling group. This information can help O&M teams to plan the best times to schedule washes in the future.